University Presentations

Shandong University

What are the main features of Shandong University? It’s a very unique and interesting Chinese University founded and built in 1998. It is considered to be the most modern of all Chinese universities. As a result, it offers the best in research and education to the people of China. In recent years, it has become one of the top graduate schools throughout the country.

The major strengths of Shandong University are research, practical training and academic environment. The departments at the university are organized into seven main departments. They include Graduate Studies, Psychology and Behavioral Sciences; Environment, Ecology and Environment; Chemistry and Biochemistry; Mathematics; Chemical Engineering and Computational Genomics; Physics and Astronomy; and Economics. Students can choose from a long list of graduate studies such as psychology, sociology, mathematics, business, economics, computer science, biology etc. A well-developed curriculum is provided by the university to ensure that each and every student gets the best education.

The University of Shandong has a large number of students who take advantage of the university’s high quality education. At present, it has been providing its full-time students with an excellent career education. The current rankings of Shandong University indicate its superiority as one of the top graduate schools in China. Over the past number of years, many esteemed researchers have come to carry out studies in this university. In fact, many of them have received prizes for their researches in Shandong University. All these have further strengthened the reputation of Shandong University as a top destination of study.

What are the features of Shandong University are the various branches which it comprises: Management, Information Security, Economics, Health Sciences, Law, Education, Business Administration, Engineering, Science, Philosophy, Nursing and Technology. The departments of the university are spread across the three different cities of Shandong Hong Kong, Shanghai and Beijing. The majority of the students prefer to specialize in some particular area of study so as to enhance their career prospects. The undergraduate students can select any of the areas of specialization as per their interests. They may do so either due to the inter-related subjects they are interested in, or because they have completed certain specific courses. The graduate students are more likely to opt for a specific discipline to specialize in.

The other features of Shandong University are that it is fully affiliated with the Chinese University, Peking University, Hunan University and Taiwan University. It is also home to several foreign students including Americans, Canadians, British and Japanese. In spite of the fact that it is an autonomous association, the university maintains common standards for admission and graduation. Besides, it has an Inter-services Mutual Aid Program (ISMP) and Financial Assistance Program (FAP).

There are very distinctive characteristics of Shandong University that distinguish it from the other Chinese universities. First of all, it has its unique system of examinations, wherein entrance exam conforms to the examination systems of the national Ministry of Education. Second, it has its unique system of diplomas and degrees, wherein the students can earn a master degree in economic administration, public policy, finance and law. Third, it has its renowned institution of higher education, wherein graduate students can pursue their doctoral degrees in economics, law, commerce, management and education.


I am Alexandra Brown. I am 20 years old. I study in Peking University at Chinese Language and Literature Department. The reason why I choose this school both to learn the language and the culture up close and personal. I love writing, translating and editing and my main purpose to be here is to translate some of the perfect Chinese books into English after I graduate.

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